never i imagine that i would post something like this in my blog, truly overwhelming :">. But words must come out: sibebo is close now for customized item/orders
Don't worry you ladies who has been in contact with me trough email previously, as you can see in the picture, i'm still very much workin on it

sorry for those who have waited for long time to get an owl or a necklace or a coaster :-( , they will come to your loving hands soon (^_^) *sorry agni, chia, marjorie, amesh!
i'm also focusing on preparing new collections for sibebo (woohoo!!). As for orders, I'm ready to accept them around March, when hopefully I already have great time management, so you don't get old for waiting hehe..
i'm also focusing on preparing new collections for sibebo (woohoo!!). As for orders, I'm ready to accept them around March, when hopefully I already have great time management, so you don't get old for waiting hehe..
TIDAAAAAAAAAAAGKKHHHHHH, this can't be happening!!!
@amesh: hanya tuk sementaraaaaaa (^o^), lagipula pesenanmu sudah tercatat kok sebelumnyaa :">hihiii
phewwww.. **bernapas lega :P
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