Tuesday, April 20

reunited..and it feels so good (^_^)

got another episode of bed rest, eeeekk *_* anyway..i was organizing my inbox, and found old email from amesh, tutorial of heart shaped crochet . It's been a while i'm not creating any crochet piece, so i decided to give it a try. And it's all coming back to me, oo...how i love to crochet..thank you meshi (mesh, km marah gak aku panggil meshi :-P)heart tutorial from here

in fact, i love it so much, i continued with making new crochet necklace creation (^_^) uuu..sooo excited, it looked soo fresh, so young, so springy! (is that a word?)i'm thrilled imagining them in other choice of color pallete, i'm already starting the second necklace as we speak :">


Aphrodita Wibowo said...

waaaaa....bagus banget mbak nella....
aku suka kalungnya...
kira-kira harganya berapa ya mbak?

oia kayaknya aku mau pesen crochet bentuk bunga warna-warni buat tas jeans aku...


amesh said...

neeeel kamu sakit apaaaa? ah kau bole memanggilku apa sajaa asal sini itu crochet hati boleh gue beliiiiii! i miss you nelceuuuuu

sibebo said...

@dita:tungguin yaa..kalungnya wear test by me dulu yaa :">
@amesh: it's nothing kok meshi (^_^)dah sembuh sentosa sekarang..kamu mau hatihati itu yaa?nanti aku latihan lg biar lebih mahir hehe..luv yu!

angki said...

oh aku jatuh cinta sama kalung kreasimu itu! dijualkah? eh eh salam buat omyadi yah :P