She take this picture after receiving her sibebo order..thank you so much as i dont have a chance to do it *hugs* glad you love it..

tell you the truth, i still can't believe i'm able to do all of this..making things i love and can actually sell it to lovely people who share the same feeling about my roses..owls..elephants.. hehe..thank you..thank you.. i want to do this all my life (^_^)
Lucu-lucuuuu! Di foto kayak gini, keliatannya yummy ya, kayak permen, hehehe...
Waaaah......... di Upload disini yak? Makasih....Muwah!! heheheheh..
Mba Nella, Anak aku suka banget pake bros Gajah ama Burung Hantu itu, Lucu jadinya ^^
Hi sibebo, lemme introduce myself.
My name is tyka from surabaya, and i'm your new fans! (^_^) I love fabric brooches, but I cant make it myself. Maybe I shud practice more..... Well, I thank you for giving me this semangat-meluap-luap untuk belajar ow to make some :D
You made pretty things dan hasil jepretannya juga cantik sekali ;)
Indeed, we, crafter, are the lucky ones! Bisa membuat barang2 cantik dan bisa berbagi (alias: menjual, hehe) dgn orang banyak.... I want to do this all my life, too!
Best wishes for sibebo from ndutyke....
hai nella, salam kenal,
kreasinya cakep-cakep banget..
I love craft, tooo
pengen deh bisa bikin kreasi seperti kamu.. :)
follow ya say..
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