snip..snip..cut the petal with your golden scissor..

dip the petal into bowl of liquid, one by one..

hang them to dry beneath the sunlight and cool breeze..

my heart gives a little swirl seeing this view on my bedroom window.. is good...(^_^)
wah ..boleh dicoba ...makasih dishare cara buatnya...
Loovelyyy! Thanks for sharing it :)
aaaah mau coba bikin untuk hari ibu aaaah, thanks nel!
thanks for sharing :)
Hi :) I wanted to know, What kind of liquid is it?? Some kind of glue?
Why do you have to do it?
@lia, puri, amesh: aaaaahhh kalian lebih jago drpd aku bikin bikin beginian mah :">
@anonymous: the liquid is fabric stiffener, supaya bunganya gak cepet layu hehe..
liquidnya itu apa mbak
bisa tau ga?
salam kenal :D
salam kenal mb nella, suka ma bungamu deh! aku jg suka bikin bunga, mampir ya mbak, newbie:P would you be my friend???:D
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